Mccomb Students

10 Essentials For Your Shared Kitchen At Uni

18 March 2022
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McComb Students

McComb Students

Whether you’re in your first year or moving from catered halls into a student house in your second year, knowing what you need to take with you can be tricky.

Although you might be tempted to pack everything bar the kitchen sink to ensure you don’t forget the essentials, at the same time, you don’t want to take any unnecessary clutter.

Here the team at McComb Students outline the key items you’ll need to equip your shared kitchen whilst staying at student accommodation in Ormskirk.

10 essentials for your shared kitchen at uni - McComb Students

1.    Medium-sized frying pan

From frying eggs for a hangover cure breakfast to whipping up a tasty omelette for lunch or a stir-fry for tea, a frying pan is one of those items you don’t want to forget when you move into a student house!

You don’t necessarily need a huge wok pan, as the chances are it’ll take up too much of your designated cupboard space. Saying that, though, you don’t want to opt for a pan that’s too small to fit all your ingredients in.


2.    Small saucepan

Pasta is the fuel of students. Whether it be to cook your penne, rice, veg, porridge oats or melt chocolate, a saucepan is one of the more versatile kitchen essentials – and one you don’t want to be without. It doesn’t need to be overly big, as more often than not, you’ll probably only be cooking individual portions but if you haven’t already got a small pan, we absolutely recommend you invest and take it with you to your student accommodation.


3.    Tupperware in all sizes

Making a packed lunch for tomorrow? Need to reheat leftovers in the microwave? It’s worth having a few microwavable tubs in various sizes stowed in your kitchen cupboard at uni.

Tupperware is a fantastic alternative to buying and wasting tin foil and cling film too, which is ideal if you’re looking to make your student loan stretch a little further.


4.    Cutlery and crockery

It’s a sensible idea to take at least two sets of knives, forks, tablespoons, teaspoons and plates with you to student accommodation in Ormskirk, as you can bet you’ll end up sharing them with your housemates.

We also recommend taking more than one cereal bowl – especially if you don’t want to have to constantly keep washing and drying it up every time you need it.


5.    Oven-proof dish

The oven-safe dish is another kitchen staple for students at uni.

Not just great for baking delicious puds, one of these dishes will also come in handy for reheating meals in the oven and making roast dinners and larger dishes for sit-down meals with your housemates.


6.    Sharp knife

You probably had the luxury of a full knife set at home, with a range of different sized knives for a variety of cooking tasks. But the chances are, mum and dad won’t want you to take that with you to your student digs!

Students’ budgets don’t usually stretch to a fancy knife set – but the good news is, you only really need one sharp multi-purpose knife.


7.    Chopping board

Having different coloured chopping boards for raw meat, fish, cooked meats, salads and fruits, vegetables and baked goods will prevent cross-contamination.

On top of that, it’ll ensure you don’t get fined for damaging the kitchen worktops at the end of your tenancy.


8.    Oven gloves

Most people prefer to use their own mugs and cutlery at student accommodation, but you don’t normally need more than one pair of oven gloves.

Keeping these handy will enable everyone at your student house to use them – meaning they won’t get third-degree burns when removing trays or dishes from the oven.


9.    Tin opener

There’s nothing more frustrating than buying a tin of tuna to enjoy with a jacket potato or in a pasta salad, only to discover that nobody at your student house has a tin opener.

Though you could look out for tins that come with an opener or key instead, it’s a good idea to keep a tin opener in the drawer in your kitchen, along with a bottle opener so you can enjoy pre-drinks with your housemates!


10.        Vegetable peeler

Fancy cooking a Sunday roast, either for yourself, your housemates or your family and friends when they come up to visit? Having a vegetable peeler in the kitchen drawer will certainly come in handy.

Alternatively, you might prefer to slice kiwi fruit or apple, in which case, a peeler will make light work of removing the skin.

Maybe you’re a budding Bake Off contender? A peeler can create chocolate curls – giving your delicious creations those all-important finishing touches.


Want to know more?

Whether there’s something you can think of that we’ve missed, or you’d like to know what facilities are available in the shared kitchen at our student accommodation in Ormskirk, you’re more than welcome to contact us.

Simply give us a call on 01695 422 122 or drop us an email at, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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