Mccomb Students

4 Unavoidable truths about being a student

09 April 2021
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McComb Students

McComb Students

Whether you’re a second or third year uni student or you’re planning ahead for September when you finally take the leap from home life to living in student accommodation – there’s no denying that it’s a huge change. Of course, after that initial first big move, the transition becomes easier and less daunting, but that isn’t to say it’s easy either.

As one of the most popular providers of student accommodation in Ormskirk, we’ve seen our fair share of first time students navigating their way through independent living. So, today, we’ve put together a blog covering 4 things that are almost certainly going to happen to you when you start life as a student living in uni accommodation.

Let’s dive straight in!

  1. You will stay up all night

All-nighters are part and parcel of uni life, so if you’re going into things with the mindset that your work will always be done on time and you’ll never have to stay up late cramming – think again!

Now, don’t get us wrong, the more on top of your studies you are the better. Not only will this help you to get great results, but it will also keep those late nights at bay. But – and this is a big one – whether it’s for work or for socialisation, the chances of doing at least one all-nighter are pretty high!

  1. Leftovers

Whether you’re an avid cook or a serial take away enthusiast – you will almost certainly enjoy one or two leftover dinners in your time. Cold pizza from the night before? Yep! Reheated pasta from Tupperware? Yum!

There’s no shame in it, and it can in fact be a great way of being thrifty and cost-effective but remember that some foods need safe and proper storage to make it suitable for eating again the next day! And – if in doubt, throw it out!

  1. You’ve been served!

Let’s talk library fines. You may not think it right now, but as deadlines loom you’re probably going to become well acquainted with the university library and as books are taken out during those last minute panic study sessions, there’s every chance one may fall by the wayside.

Yep, we’re talking library book fines. Depending on the subject you’re taking, your reading list could be pretty exhaustive, so it can be all too easy to lose track of the books you have, and when they’re due back! Don’t worry too much, fines like this are often only minor (as long as you get them back as soon as you realise your error of course). But, like any fine, the price goes up steadily day by day, so if you have fallen victim to the library, make sure you are quick to return what you’ve borrowed.

  1. Snack drawer

We all need snacks to see us through life, whether that’s studying late in your student accommodation in Ormskirk, whilst binging Netflix or having a date night with your significant other. So, what’s more crucial than implementing a secret snack drawer?

Sweets, chocolate, crisps, nuts and drink (vodka or juice – the choice is yours) are all likely to be found amongst your secret stash. And what’s more is that every single room at McComb Students comes with a mini fridge – so you never need to worry about keeping your refreshments chilled and that all important chocolate from melting! But – a word of warning – keep it in your own room, and not in a communal area because there’s a high chance it could be dipped into by cheeky housemates!

There’s no denying that uni life has its ups and downs, but there’s a lot of fun to be had when you find the right student accommodation in Ormskirk for you. Take a look at our available rooms today, or get in touch with our team to find out more!

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