Mccomb Students

A Look at the Best Christmas Music Covers

20 December 2019
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McComb Students

McComb Students

One of the standout things about Christmas each year is the music.

Is it really December without hearing a bit of Wham?

But sometimes a rethink of a classic can be just as satisfying… if not funnily disastrous.

We take a look at the best Christmas covers:

Blossoms – Wonderful Christmas Time:

Released last year, this take on the 1979 McCartney classic is one of the most recent on this list.

The Stockport five-piece certainly put their own stamp on the song, and makes for a very festive listen with plenty of synth chucked into the mix along side Tom Ogden’s enigmatic vocals.

An honourable mention, also from Blossoms, is a snippet of Last Christmas chucked into the mix at the end of their track My Favourite Room at their live gigs.

Whether it’s during the height of a scorching summer or their more recent winter tour, the Wham classic never fails to get the crowd singing.

With You’re Gorgeous and Half The World Away also in their, makes for an excellent end to the song.

Jake Bugg – Happy Xmas (War Is Over):

This BBC Live Lounge cover was an exceptional performance from then new boy on the block, Jake Bugg.

The Nottingham singer had just released his debut album when he took on the Lennon classic, putting his own stamp on it with his unique and gritty vocals.

He sings the track with passion and power, with a chorus from Working Class Hero also added to make it even better.

Noel Gallagher – Merry Christmas Everyone

Gallagher’s love for Slade is well known, all you have to do is look at Oasis’ Cum on Feel the Noise cover.

He has also made his hatred for Christmas well documented as well, but back in the 90s he made an exception to take on Merry Christmas Everyone.

The slow acoustic version of the track works superbly and has a good feel to it.

Bastille – All I Want For Christmas

The London band always seem able to get the festive mood for Christmas, and produce something special for Radio One Live Lounge.

Their slow piano driven cover of All I Want For Christmas is excellent.

Singer Dan Smith always produces superb vocals, and this is no exception.

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