When you move away to university, you quickly have to learn how to live independently – that includes paying the monthly bills, using the washing machine, cooking your own meals at your student accommodation in Ormskirk, and doing the weekly food shop. Deciding what...
Staying fit can be challenging at the best of times. Add to this all the nights out you’ll go on, the coursework deadlines you’ll need to meet, and the temptation to lie on the sofa all day eating pizza – finding the time to work out whilst at uni can be an even...
Going to university and living away from your loved ones and home comforts can be daunting, to say the least. Not only do you have to learn how to live independently – buying food, cooking tasty meals, paying bills, using the washing machine, attending lectures, and...
With so many people to meet, places to visit, and things to learn, starting university can be exciting and daunting at the same time. The truth is, whether you’re in your first or third year at university, you’re bound to have a hectic diary of studying and...
We’re pleased to announce that McComb Students won the award of ‘Best Small Provider’ 2021 in the National Student Housing Awards. The awards are based on feedback from 30,000+ students and a small provider is an operator with less than 1500 beds. McComb Students are...