Mccomb Students

McComb Students

Student Living Blog

Discover the Best of Student Living and Life in Ormskirk.

Explore our blog covering a variety of topics ideal for student living, from local activities and events to the best food and drink spots. Stay informed with McComb News and get valuable tips for making the most out of your student life in Ormskirk. Dive into our categories including Activities, Events, Food & Drink, Local Info, and more!

My typical Edge Hill week

My typical Edge Hill week

Having just finished University for my second year, with only placement left, I thought reflecting...

Winter Safety

Winter Safety

Well we certainly had some fantastic weather in the final weeks of February, and it really was...

Need a Guarantor?

Need a Guarantor?

Housing Hand… Are you struggling to sort out your guarantor? Worried that the person you have in...

BUDGETING in the New Year

BUDGETING in the New Year

It’s February already, and it seems ages since Xmas and the New Year! Like many other students,...

January Resolutions

January Resolutions

We all make the little promise to ourselves that when the clock hits 12, we will change one aspect...

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McComb Students News

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