Mccomb Students


26 October 2018
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McComb Students

McComb Students


Halloween will soon be here, and remember, it’s no longer just for the kids. Although we all eventually outgrow our trick-or-treating days, it doesn’t mean we have to put the holiday behind us entirely. In fact, there may be even more to do on Oct. 31 as an adult.   So, have you arranged anything for next Wednesday?   It could be a good excuse to get together with friends either in your McComb accommodation, or at Uni.

Here are a few thoughts and ideas

Watch a scary movie.

This is a really easy one to organise, and you can comfort each other when things get a little too frightening.

Arrange for everybody to bring a little food, set up the settee, and you’re ready to go. Perhaps get friends to buy the odd pumpkin or two – have them scattered about the place, and really set the scene. There’s nothing better for a little atmosphere. There are lots of films being advertised at the moment, so have a look at what’s on, agree amongst yourselves, and enjoy a night in!   Some of the films on Netflix at the moment, include –

  • Raw
  • The Shining
  • Truth or Dare
  • Children of the Corn
  • The Sixth Sense
  • Cabin Fever

And the list goes on.   Have a look TV guide as well nearer the time. There’s lots to see! 


Visit the Cinema

Halloween is on at the Vue, Ocean Plaza, Marine Drive, Southport. In this latest version of the famous film, Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) comes to her final confrontation with Michael Myers, the masked figure who has haunted her since she narrowly escaped his killing spree on Halloween night four decades ago!

Halloween, the reboot of the 1978 classic, has made a killing at the US box office, raking in over $77m (£59m) during its opening weekend.

Halloween now ranks as the second-highest debut for an October release, set earlier this month by Venom.

So for those of you who can stand being scared, this really isn’t to be missed. It’s also showing on Thursday 1st November for those who have other plans for the “Big” night.

Review Edgehill Events

Also have a look at what’s on at the Uni itself. The Students Union Facebook page makes reference to a few events, and not just on the night of Halloween!

On the 30th October, it’s “Halloween Dodgeball”!!! It’s in Sports Hall 1 at 8pm.   Anybody wanting to enter a team, just needs to simply email with your details.

There will be some really great offers in the SU shop on the 31st – an ideal opportunity to stock up on pre-drinks and potions before the main event which is ……the return of a Fresher’s Week favourite, TEXTBOOK’s HALLOWEEN TAKEOVER. (31st October)!


Host a Halloween party!

If you’re afraid of getting scared at the Edge Hill event, skip the horror and instead celebrate Halloween with a party. If you don’t know anyone hosting one, step up to the plate yourself!

Visit the “Tales of Terror: Frankenstein”

This is on Wednesday 31st October 7:30pm at Edge Hill Art Centre, and is presented by the University Department of English, History, and Creative Writing

This is to be an evening of bone-chilling and blood-curdling tales of terror, inspired by Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. The evening will include readings from the novel and related literature and the opportunity to create newly written pieces inspired by the story.

Audience members will be invited to create their own monster out of bits and pieces of texts featured in the readings, contributing to the on-going myth of Frankenstein!

When you arrive, there will be a candlelit tour of our award-winning campus. Watch out for more details to be posted at the university. There is no cost for entry, but booking is required.


Whether you want to stay in, go out, be scared, eat, drink, there’s lots to do.   Have a great time, and enjoy yourselves.

Hannah Wright

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