Mccomb Students

Making the Most of Your University Room

01 March 2021
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McComb Students

McComb Students

One of the most exciting parts about embarking on that equal halves terrifying and exciting adventure of University is finally getting a space that you can truly call your own. Most likely, you’ll arrive in an empty husk of a room awaiting your decoration. But, the truth of it all, is that student rooms – no matter where you go – are small. And believe me, you own a lot more stuff than you think you do. So here are a few tips and tricks to help you keep your Uni room clean, sleek and organised.

1. The importance of Study Spaces.

It doesn’t take more than a quick google search for you to realise the importance of a tidy study space. Scientific studies have shown that our brains are at their happiest when exposed to order and that constant visual clutter and reminders of disorganisation reduce our brains cognitive abilities. (More on that study here, if your curious ) In other words, a messy workspace reduces your brain’s ability to focus. So, organising your desk can do more for you than simply look nice. It can also help your productivity and reduce frustration. And if you don’t listen to me, listen to science!

2. For Book Savvy Students.

That leads nicely to my next point, a word of advice to any of us inclined to hoarding our books and can’t stand the thought of leaving them at home to collect dust. I mean, who doesn’t like the look of a nice full bookshelf. But bookshelves are limited. Bookends are infinite – well, to an extent.

Bookends are a great way to save space on a bookshelf and create space on top of a desk, a windowsill or any other surface to store your books. And the best thing about it is that the next time you buy a book, you can just slide it in – making for an ever-expanding bookshelf equivalent.

3. Book Shelf Potential.

Now with the space you would have saved on your bookshelf, you can place any little items from home. Picture frames, any plaques, trophies, diffusers, lights etc. This transforms a bookshelf from something plain and bookish into something stylish – oh and add a fake plant or two, they always help.

4. Wire ties.

It’s very easy to ignore what’s beneath the desk with the whole “out of sight out of mind” approach but having to play footsie with a bunch of tangled wires at your desk isn’t ideal. So for this, I recommend buying wire tires and tying the wires into tight loops beneath the desk and shoving them to the back of the wall. It’s a much nicer way to sit at the desk, especially when you’re stuck in online classes, and you’re spending hours at the desk.

5. Keep a Routine.

The last thing I’ll leave you with is that organisation is nothing if not maintained. So getting into small habits whether that be tidying your desk as you go, keeping your books on the shelf (or in your bookends) after you finish working on them. Making sure your bed is made every morning (I’m beginning to sound like an irritating parent) – just those little things to keep on top of can maintain a perfectly organised uni room.

I hope one or two of these will help you transform your uni room or at the very least spark some creative juices and bring out your inner interior designer. It’s one of the best parts of coming to uni, so make sure you make your room your own. It’s yours, and yours only after all!

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