Mccomb Students

Mother’s Day Ideas for Students

29 March 2019
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McComb Students

McComb Students

Mother’s Day is approaching fast and if you’re anything like me, you are racking your brains last minute to think of the perfect gift. However, here is a quick guide to some of the most budget-friendly gifts around.

Flowers: are currently offering a deal where if you buy some flowers then you can create a free Mother’s Day card; with prices for flowers starting from £20, it is a great option if your mum is a flower fan.

A meal out:

Not everyone can afford a fancy meal to treat their mum to on Mother’s Day, however, you don’t need to break the bank to have some good grub. There are plenty of reasonable priced restaurants around town to take your mum to, from Piri Piri to The Nordico Lounge and even the highly underrated Wetherspoons.


Chocolates are often the go-to Mother’s Day present – and for good reason. Everybody’s got to love a good box of chocolates, and with the wide variety that are available nowadays, there are options available for all dietary requirement, allogen or preference.


If your mum is anything like mine, she loves a good glass of wine in the evening. Why not treat her to something special with a nicer bottle of wine than what she’d normally buy. Most supermarkets have an isle full of exotic wines, making finding the perfect wine easier than ever.

Happy Mother’s Day!

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