What’s the big deal with referencing? Why do tutors always go on about plagiarism? What is the point?
This week’s post will answer your questions and after reading and following this, you’ll know exactly why plagiarism and referencing are made a big deal.
What is plagiarism?
- It is the use of another person’s idea or words without acknowledging the source
- Repeating someone else’s work word for word
- Presenting other people’s ideas as your own
What should I reference?
- Everything (definitions, results, viewpoints, ideas etc.) that are not yours
- Any books, websites, journals etc. you have used
How do I reference?
- Each reference is made up of two parts:
- Citations within your essay
- List of references with full details of the source at the end of your essay
- Use one style consistently throughout your assignment
Why should I reference?
- To avoid plagiarism
- Show you have done a wide range of reading
- To support or contradict your views/interpretations/argument
Sources to avoid:
- General dictionaries and encyclopaedias (subject specific are more useful)
- Websites e.g. Wikipedia
- Blogs
- Discussion groups e.g. student forums
How can you avoid plagiarism?
See my previous blog for more about Note-taking, summarising and paraphrasing:
Hope this has been useful. If you have any questions, feel free to email me on r.dhodakia@outlook.com