Take breaks
Breaks could be anything, but you need to ensure the break doesn’t last longer than you’ve worked for as this then defeats the object of the break….. this is then procrastination.
Stress doesn’t help anyone
Even if you are the kind of person that works better under pressure, you should make sure to plan your readings/writings and stick to the plan. It is always easier to feel like you did what you were supposed to for the day, and then set the work aside with a clean conscience.
Meet up with friends
If exams make your life seem kind of helpless, meet up with a friend and avoid talking about the exams to distract you.
Get enough food and sleep
I know what you’re thinking – you eat all the time. Snack for every chapter/article/page/paragraph, am I right? Well, my point is to get some healthy food; a good dinner, fruit, nuts, vegetables and a good breakfast to get the day started.
The key-tip for every exam-period is to get enough sleep. Go to bed early and get up early. It won’t help you on the way to A-grade if you go to bed at 3am and hit your alarm repeatedly at 7am.
Hannah Wright